to reduce digital and physical vulnerabilities for each organization we serve.
Venly’s Cybersecurity Service begins with a comprehensive scoring of an organization’s vulnerabilities compared to best practices. Venly’s Cybersecurity Score includes an examination of the organization’s inventory of systems as part of measuring security concerns among standard operating procedures across every aspect of the organization. Based on this gap analysis, Venly and the organization jointly prioritize steps the organization will take to reduce those vulnerabilities. In that way, Venly becomes the organization’s time-effective coach to accelerate cyber-threat readiness as part of a disciplined innovation program for growth and profitability.
The program revolves around a monthly online session with customized best practices to fit the organization’s ability to pragmatically address the highest priority gaps given internal resources and skill constraints. The organization’s team uses these time-effective monthly sessions to:
Between each monthly meeting, the internal organization checks-off its tasks with Venly coaching and with Venly answers to ad hoc questions on best practices as they arise.
Outline of the Venly Cybersecurity Service
- A Venly Cybersecurity Score:
- Assesses each operational domain compared to best practices.
- Includes an inventory and assessment of operational systems as they relate to cybersecurity issues.
- Produces an overall cybersecurity metric that considers all of the above.
- Updates the cybersecurity metric and provides ongoing diagnostics as part of the Venly cybersecurity monthly service.
- Prioritization based on degree of vulnerability vs. resources/time needed for remediation:
- Identifies tradeoffs and suggests an execution order for high priority cybersecurity remediation initiatives.
- Coaching on each cybersecurity remediation initiative:
- Customizes a best practice worklist to allow for the unique needs of the organization.
- Guides the worklist of steps for the organization to either strengthen an existing business practice or stand up a new business practice.
- A monthly review session:
- Accelerates progress against the worklist.
- Answers ad hoc questions.
- Acts as a trusted coach to the organization’s team.
Venly’s Cybersecurity Service grew out of Benchmarking Partners
Private Sector Best Practices
for market leaders across each major industry.